From our bases in Turnhout, Antwerp and Geel, we also turn our gaze over the national borders. In the first place to the dynamic, economic regions that we are part of and which encourage international cooperation: the ELAt, Brainport, the Euregio Maas-Rijn, and the Benelux mid area. We believe in the potential of these regions and stand in the front row to contribute to their development. Cooperation across borders leads to creativity and innovation.

But our view also reaches farther. We are an established contact for enterprises acting globally. In specific matters, such as insurance and liability, we have a strong, international reputation. We are increasingly involved in cross-border transactions, litigation and arbitration, in which we represent both Belgian and foreign clients.

Schuermans advocaten cherishes this international dimension:

  • Schuermans advocaten is a member of various international networks and has privileged relations with quality offices abroad, among others: Wijn & Stael (Utrecht), Stadermann Luiten (Rotterdam), Dirkzwager (Arnhem/Nijmegen), Molitor (Luxembourg), Fabre Gueugnot (Paris), Kennedys (Londen), Hughes Hubbard (US);
  • Several international publications recommend our firm: Martindale, A.M. Best Company, Lawyer Monthly, Leaders League, Who's Who Legal;
  • Schuermans advocaten is the Belgian member of Insulaw (;
  • Schuermans advocaten is a founding member of the Belgian-Dutch Insurance Society;
  • Our lawyers assist clients in Dutch, French, English and German;
  • Many of our lawyers received education abroad;
  • Three of our lawyers obtained a ‘master of laws’ from the prestigious American law schools Harvard and Duke; 
  • Luc Schuermans is honorary member of Unidroit (Rome);
  • Jean-Luc Schuermans is member of the New York Bar.


Belgium: gateway to the world

As home to the main European institutions, Belgium is the gateway to 600 million consumers. Belgium holds the 5th place in Europe for attracting foreign investment (E&Y-2018) and is part of the top 15 in the world for import and export of goods and services (WTO-2018).