My profession is my passion. And that makes all the difference.
Griet Smaers
lawyer and mediator
Lawyer since 2001 and mediator since 2021
Education: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Kandidaat in de rechten, 1997; Licentiaat in de rechten, 2000), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spanje (Erasmus 2000), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Bijzonder licentiaat fiscaal recht, 2001), Universiteit Antwerpen (Mediation with focus on civil and commercial affairs, 2020-2021)
Member of the Flemish Parliament (2009-2014)
Member of the Federal Parliament (2014-2019)
President OCMW and municipal counselor social affairs City of Geel (since 2014)
Director Unizo Geel and of several Campine social and welfare organisations
Specialization: business law; tax law; insurance and liability; government disputes
Mediator in civil and commercial affairs
Languages: Dutch, French, English, Spanish